7 Superfoods That Help You Live Longer

SUPERFOODS. What are they? Foods with cape on and will give you superpowers? Spinach, anyone? Well I'd like to think it that way. But according to medical definitions, these are natural foods which also has natural nutrients on its own - something like unprocessed, raw, organic. It has been the fuss for quite sometime now; there are a lot of food manufacturers, even fastfood restos claiming one or two of their products to be a superfood. Lots of lists have also been formulated, such as superfood to make you look young, to make your skin glow, to help you lose weight, to fight certain diseases, so on and so forth. However, don't mistake superfoods as the magic bullet that stop age and lifestyle-related disease dead in its tracks. When it comes to health, there is no such thing as instant gratification. Continual improvement in eating habits, exercise regimen and stress reduction will improve your quality of life and longevity over time. Whatever purpose it may serve or whichever way you'd like to consume it for, if you're looking to start down the path toward greater health, you want more ways to increase your well being, or you just want to double-check your list of awesome foods, begin with this 7 ordinary but incredible foods for a SUPER YOU. :)

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